Sain Born Pretty Storelta testiin tuotteita, ja ensimmäiseksi kynsille päätyivät nämä water decalit. Ne toimivat taas erinomaisesti kuten Born Prettyn decalit yleensäkin ja kuvio on tosi kiva! Paketissa oli myös muita kuvioita, rahalle saa siis hyvin vastinetta. :) Pohjalla käytin Essencen colour boosteria ja mustat kärjet tein OPIn Queen of the Roadilla.
I got some products from Born Pretty Store for a review and the first ones I tested were these water decals. They worked great as usual and I really like the pattern! There were also other patterns in the package, so you get your money's worth. :) Base is Essence colour booster and tips are OPI Queen of the Road.
Tässäpä on taas alekoodia Born Pretty Storeen. En hyödy linkkien klikkailusta tai koodin käytöstä rahallisesti.
Here's a discount code for Born Pretty Store again. I do not get any monetary gain for clicking the links or using the code.